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If none of my dealbreakers apply, I use the following formula:
Lets see, I have 3 kids, but they are all in Maine, my wife of 7 years left, and went back home close to a year ago, and took all thge kids with her. im a pretty funny person, i find myself making.
Holy... nice.
who got to take all the photos?
I would dig deep if I were you because it sounds like this friend is more important than your girlfriend and if that s the case, cut her loose. It's the kindest thing you can do.
Reading this, I was thinking "Yeah, probably a good time to take a break..." and then you dropped that last line haha
Personally, I would have questioned the niece. Hell, she's pregnant and her hormones are all over the place. Her actions and facial expressions would have probably given her away if she was questioned.
4. The woman always gets what she wants, or that means that the man doesn't care.
love her. adorable.
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"2009 08 21"
well ill be damned... thats just not right
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shame her hair aint a bit shorter