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It's something I want to consider at some point. I just don't think it's appropriate at all to mess with a marriage, so if I do contact her at some point (I know I said I wouldn't, but who knows...), I want to make sure she's not involved anymore.
I recently joined Yahoo! on-line personals. When I first joined (i.e., first week or so), I got tons and tons of responses. A lot of the people who e-mailed me were very nice looking, etc., but just weren't my type (i.e., looking for a hook up, etc). However, a lot of times when I would initiate contact with someone whom I found to be a good match, I would notice that they would look at my profile and often never write back. This has happened so many times that I just have to believe that a lot of people just post profiles but don't pay for memberships.... So my questions are:
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Save up the conversation for when you see her.
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But would bet the odds that in most cases of "mismatched drive," at the start of the relationship, there was a much higher frequency of sex. Then as the relationship matures, or especially after marriage, the sex decreases and this is attributed to some supposed "difference in drive" when nothing could be further from the truth.
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