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does someone know, if there exist more pics of her?she looks too good to be true =)
It's like looking at heaven
I met with Telma twice this summer while on vacation in Lisbon. She's a gem. She gladly engaged in…"
The strategy? Honesty is the best policy..
Looked better in person than pictures very sexy never in a rush discreet location. This chick is the total package. I've seen her 2 times each time she was clean sexy and to the point. Never in a rush answers the door dressed very sexy answer with a smile. Oral is A+ very tight and she takes great care of herself.
A mismatched bikini beach beauty!
How does that show interest if you "act" like you don't know the person's age? I understand. I should have been in depth about it. Thank you for sharing your opinion.
Hah! I just NOW realized there was a face in this picture!
Agreed, went through a period of working back to back 90-100 hour weeks for almost a year several years back, and still made time for dates. Unless she's working -that- much, she's just letting you down.
Super fine legs
bikini or bra shorts cleavage
I do not think you should marry this girl at the moment, I think you shold have a bloody good think about what you REALLY want!!!!!!!!! This is your life so why choose to live it miserable?
Both lovely.
BTW, that's why you should date multiple women until you find someone to be exclusive with, so you don't get hung up on rejection.
Every situation is different so don't judge people for the number of people they've been with. It's shallow and disrespectful. You have to look at the whole person to determine if they're a slut or not.
Because they can and we let them and forgive them for it.
love nerdy random men who are also funny love comedies and willing to sit at home or go out on the tow.