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Hello my name is Kim.I am a single parent of two girls 21 and 18.I have spent the last 18 years raising my daughters.Now that they are of age it is time I make myself happy.I am a simple man, caring.
I was born and raised in KC MO, GO CHIEFS! I moved to the Phoenix area back in.
What makes you sure? (I'm not necessarily disagreeing, I just want to know explicitly why)
Single after being married for 20 years. My daughter is grown and lives awa.
Never heard of a couples ring sounds like the same thing as a promise ring...something dumb teenagers do.
Midori,I like your suggestions....but honestly, I don't feel he deserves to step foot in my home. I'll just get sooooo frustrated with his BS and attitude and twisting things around, or possibly trying to suck up to me (out of guilt?) that I may lose my composure and tell him he's a dick. I want to act with class and composure ..which is something I can't say I did in past relationships. I used to be quite dramatic and the type to fly off the handle...or make a big emotional scene....or come close to getting on my knees and begging them to give me one more chance...... I have many areas to grow in, but in this area, I am kind of proud of myself that I'm now able to conduct myself with a lot more class and decorum.
It is interesting the responses in this thread from guys who don't think women are serious or who believe they are looking for millionaires and the women who just want something serious besides sexual predators.
It all started off the same way - he stopped being as exciting, stopped texting, could go days without contacting or meeting me. But would act clueless (or angry) if I brought it up. It all degraded to me being some kind of booty call for that guy and I had a terrible year filled with misery and high levels of anxiety. Until I gathered my courage and broke it off with him.
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Alessa, I was hesitant to write a review because I wanted you all for myself but I knew it would make you happy so here it is. Guys: make sure you treat her with respect.
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