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Yeah sorry, but you need to let this go. He wasn't that interested in you to begin with, and when you made it obvious you wanted more, he shot you down. Gotta move on.
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Well, i'd say the above quote, could be part of your problem. If you're that narrow minded as to think that every man prefers the slim woman over the heavy one, then you've got something to learn. Everybody has their own tastes. There are as many men that love morbidly obese women as there are men that love waif type women. Just because you personally wouldn't feel you'd be attracted as much to a heavier person, doesn't mean the next person is that way. I'd open up your eyes to the fact that just because someone might appear better looking on the outside, doesn't mean they are worth marrying. There's way more to a person than their package. Is it important to have initial attraction, certainly, but as others have stated, looks fade, so while you want to be attracted, you also want someone who doesn't annoy the crap out of you or bore you to death.
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It makes me sad that someone would hold back telling me that they love me because there's an idea that love means that you are automatically going to marry, have a house with a white picked fence and have babies. My love is pretty unconditional, but my time, my relationships and my energy are very conditional. Btw, what ever happened to that girl?
Thats horrible. For 2 years. How did you find out?
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