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not sure however if he will forgive you .
I talked to him earlier this week to see if we were on the same page. I am looking for a relationship, but he thinks with everything that has happened, perhaps this will just be a short term thing. I was devastated but could understand his need to live elsewhere, which he has brought up on occasion. At one point he asked if it were easier for me to cut ties now, instead when he leaves early next year. My head and heart clashed. We never know what the future holds, he may get a position in the state. he may not. He started his search in state when we first met. At the same time, his future is so up in the air. I really enjoy his company and it was hard to leave him the next morning. In the end, we agreed to still hang out and take this a day at a time. We made tentative plans but haven't spoken since that talk. I plan to reach out after things cool down.
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I like to hangout with new people. and also become social with new people to get to know them mor.
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I have LOTS of her... ;)
So...considering it seems to annoy you or be a massive turn off, can you tell me why men would want women like this (several baby daddies)?
Then, why hasn't he? For the same reason she hasn't....
I wouldn't be texting someone back during my time with my BF. How about you?
But like Tony said try communicating with her... i meant thats what long term relationships are built on
I remember, on our first date, lunch, my exW was 30 minutes late. We both had to drive 30 miles to meet in the middle so I was patient and it was raining. I think my first comment was 'You were late enough that I drank your margarita' with a chuckle. Of course we later went on to get married and her sister often commented that she'd never seen my wife as on-time as when we were together. Boundaries
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