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The service is Amazing, I’m so happy and I was fully satisfied with the service , looking forward…
LOVE "bad girls", they love the drama, the ups and downs, and a lot of guys think they can "change" the bad girl too. I am talking about the "Bad Girl" who is a playa and has a lot of guys around for backup (in case her bf breaks up with her), the woman that will cheat on her man with others, or doing things behind his back and who is emotionally unstable and sorta crazy.
I've tried a few, only older couples and older women (50+) are usually there. Dating doesn't seem to be worth it anymore. I do not play the hookup game, so it seems there are limited options.
I have what you need; do you have what I wan.
Originally Posted by Shygirl15
pretty smart
wow talk about a killer figure.
not even had a first date? Don't do it. Its nice you're sweet. And if a girl is into you she'll like that too. But if she's not into you... Which she's not...its going to push her away.
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Millions! Millions!
I hate to cancel now...but I feel this date will be such drudgery.
I've basically stopped calling and texting her all together and she's asked me a few times if I'm okay...no I'm not okay (haven't told her yet)...I feel strung along and feel like I'm wasting precious time on someone that isn't taking me serious. I just don't even know how to handle this because I do like her but I don't want to push her away bringing it up.