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And I don't understand why in a serious relationship like this, my first bday with him, why shouldn't I be disappointed? I told him how I felt and he didn't apologize, he didn't send flowers after the fact, either.
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Lord have mercy. If you're going to go with that angle then perhaps she should NEVER go anywhere without her boyfriend by her side to chaperone her every move particularly where men will roam
I have a friend that had a cush on me since the 9th grade. He's in the process of divorcing his wife. He told the wife about us, and now she's sending me emails talking a bunch of you know what. I really dont want to have any problems with her because there are four kids involve, two from each side. Now the problem is that she's really a loser, her mom gave her an apt because she had the kids. Now she told my friend that she dont want to deal with the kids anymore, because she wants to party and do whatever she wants. Now that e took the kids her mother took the apt from from her and let her know she's a nobody. Now because she dont have anywhere to live he took her in, and he is now staying with me. I love him a lot, but i dont like drama and i really dont want my kids around that type of person. I need some advise.
A lot of freckling on her face and especially her nose. Could be a lot of sun damage. Pass.
Torri is the real deal! I had a great time. You will not be disappointed. Blessed with a great body…
I asked her out on another date and she was non-committal about it when she had jumped at the chance to meet up before hand.
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I took a few days to think about the whole thing and got ahold of her. I told her I wanted to talk about it sober and she said she understood why I was unhappy and agreed. When the day came I decided to let her get ahold of me for three reasons: 1 she on at least two occasions didn’t get ahold of me on days we made plans and only decided to tell me she was cancelling when I contacted her 2 she hadn’t gotten ahold of me to do anything for about three weeks at that point (though she never ignored me when I called her) and 3 I felt she made the mistake and if she wasn’t willing to put effort into fixing it I wasn’t going to either. She didn’t call and we never talked. I sent her a text the next day that read as follows “So I wanted to talk face to face and if you ever do you can call. But I feel like you don’t really care about you and me and unless that changes I can’t put effort into spending time with you anymore”. Nearly a day later she responds with “Can we talk when I return from vacation?” She was leaving for a week and a half long vacation with her family the next morning. I sent her a message that said “If you call me we can talk, but I’m not chasing you down anymore”. She never got back to me.
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The good thing is I am really comfortable around her, small thing I guess but its been an issue of mine in the past.
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