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Some peole hate glare, or when the top of the girl's head is missing. Or maybe they are freaked out by Starry Night.
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Look I'll make this simple. Someone who cheats on their girlfriend (physically or emotionally) is not a nice guy. You should either break it off with your girlfriend, become single, and then you can pursue other women as you please. Or you should knock it off with the woman at work and concentrate on your girlfriend instead. These are the only 2 decent options.
I do think it is interesting that your reaction was that I was telling you to do "unskilled labor" and "grunt work" for her and to be the guy who mows the lawn. That's not what I'm saying at all.
My fear is this wonderful vacation we've planned. I would like to tell him how I feel(I haven't told him I love him, but I want to), BEFORE the trip, but if he doesn't re-ciprocate I feel like I'll be hurt.
The solution is for us to date men apparently!
im uploading some more of her hope they let them go up
Dear Lady,
@ fapandserve those are horizontal stripes btw
wow,amazing girl
alright, she looks like a suicide emo girl, but she is dazzling hot! just adore them panties and that flat tummy!
both have good bods but I like right better, just my opinion
Thank you.
Strong sun!
It's good you see what posters are saying they see I think. That way you can address it. Be direct and go for what you want. If you like her, treat her like someone you like, show interest and engage with her. Don't beg her for specific signals or clarification, have confidence that she has shown a lot of interest and ask for the sale so to speak. Be easy to talk to and be around, it's OK to show interest.
The real reality of it is that there is 2 people that make a relationship work. If I feel that what he did is infidelity.. then it is. I'm really trying to convince myself that it isn't for the sake of our marriage and children. If I went out and gave another man a BJ, i don't think its cheating would my husband? OF COURSE! Its a matter of opinion.
If it isn't fun . . . run!
Everybody was kung-fu fighting.......
a few of his other friends are married - and i know his friends are very important to him, quite right too, mine are exceptionally important to me. The friend whos having affairs is actually not really that much of a friend, hes not his close friend like the ones who are married - hes not of the same mindset and doesnt spend any time with him out of the pub. i have only just thought of that actually.
Everything about her is fantastic
Ok since no one here seems to be oh much help or taking this seriously..I'll jump in here. I'm Muslim too, although I'm not Pakistani, but I do have alot of friends from there, so maybe I can help.