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Month 4 NC: This is where I started to realize that she wasn't coming back. That NC is for me. For me to heal. Not a game anymore. I realized that she should know the consequences of her actions and if she truly wanted another chance, she would have to move mountains, which I know she could do. This month, I started to focus on me. This is when I really got sick of all of the bs and wanted it to be done. I now avoided where she worked on campus like the plague.
I really need to know what happened between them and a part of me really believes something did. A side note is they work in the same sort of area. He works in a building close to hers and they are both engineers.
Yeah I got more. I'll try uploading some once my queue has room.
Your main argument is that you're uncomfotable with it and that's it. Let her do the work... And don't demand her to agree immediatelly, what counts is her actions. Judge that.
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