Im Gilgamesch-Epos wie im Mythos von Enki, Inanna und den göttlichen me erleben wir Inanna als mächtige und sich ihrer weiblichen Reize wohl bewusste Göttin. Deine Nachricht. Sie ist eine Schöpfungsgöttin von allem Leben auf dieser Erde. Die Waffen ruhen, alles Eisen ist verschlossen, bis die Göttin heimgekehrt ist in ihr Heiligtum. Kleopatra - die letzte Pharaonin der alten Ägypter Angel.
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Whoops, Hi. Well, i am definalety glad i found this forum. I totally understand how you feel. Its killing me right now. I have only been with my guy( we are both college grads) for 5 months, while he was with " her" for 2 and a half years, and was single for a whole year before me. The relatinship between him and I is new. My first rule i pounded on him, was NOT to speak about the EX. A simple rule, that can be so deadly to me. He tries hard not to mention her name, so he will recall to her as " my freind", or " some girl i knew". I dont understand why he needs to bring her up, or what she liked too. It hurts me so much. The other day he showed me a photo albulm that i did not want to see. The photo alboulm had photos of him and his Ex , as well as photos of his freinds. I had told him before i did not want to see them, for some reason he pulled it out in front of me. Almost every page he turned my heart broke. She looked liked an older girl, she wasnt as beautiful, but they looked so in love in the photos, and she had a killer body. That night, i was so heart broken that i couldnt even speak. I have not spoken to him since, but i am still hurt. I feel as if i shouldt be, and that i am being irrational. I want to call things off, and i think i am gonna break up with him very soon. All because i cant control this jealous, hurtfull obession. Just my thoughts. My weird thoughts. I wish I just knew how to overcome them.
Honestly, as far as I know it's purely a physical desire. I've always been prone to poor impulse control. I feel very attracted to a guy and want to be intimate with him and it's hard for me to hold off. But I know I can because I have in the past.
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Reminds me of an article I saw on the news yesterday, an Italian woman sued her husband because he was impotent and she didn't find out until after they were married since they were good catholics. Now i'm not saying that you should have sex just to make sure it works but its something to think about.
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"Wow! I met Gianna, she told me to call her Gigi,at her place for incalls May 20th. She immediatkey welcomed me with a hug and a kiss. She is gorgeous. Very sexy. Her place is really nice. She had candles lit, a bottle of water ready for me and soft silky sheets. She starts with a massage that feels amazing. She was wearing a black sheer see thru top, black panties and very sexy high heels which she never took off. Did I mention she is very sexy! During the massage she loses the top and lets her body, nipples, thighs, everything graze over my body. I was already hard but now I thought I might just explode right then before I even turned over, before anything but a massage happened. I’m telling you she is that sexy. And before I forget, one wall is mirrored closet doors so I’m watching her while on my stomach and she is really into it. Giving the massage with her eyes closed, her back arches, ass up as she’s reaching up and down the length of my body. Amazing!. So I managed to stop myself from finishing at the same time she was straddling me, rubbing my head and whispering in my ear that it was time to turn over.. Oh my God! I turn over while she is still straddling me and I opened my eyes to see this beautiful goddess on top of me with the most amazing breasts. Double D’s no implants and nipples that will blow your mind. I immediately go for them taking one into my mouth to suck, fighting the urge to bite that hard perfect nipple, when she lets out a long moan that was more of a purr mixed with a growl, it was so hot and unexpected, Those nipples are very sensitive and she became so wet and turned on I couldn’t take it anymore. It was the most perfect, hottest, best gfe of my life. I have an appointment to see her again this weekend and I cannot wait. She is hot, beautiful , sweet and a very classy woman. The whole package, Gigi is. Worth every penny plus I gave her a $100 tip. It was well deserved. - ASF"
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Hi.i'm bell. I have 27 years old. I live in thailand I'm single but I have 2 childre.
Your current gf is a rebound, you're not able to give her what she needs. Break up with her, explain the situation if you think you should and stay single for a while. Meanwhile, focus on you.
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I'm a person you sees the positive side of things. Likes to have banter and not take myself or life to seriously. I enjoy cooking, it gives me great satisfaction to see someone enjoy the meal, after.