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Anyway will see if I get a reply to my question, wouldn't be especially surprised if I don't as this has happened before.
So I have not had a girlfriend for just over a year now. Have been dating since then but no one that has struck me in terms of spark. That is, until last week. I signed up on a dating site and found a pretty attractive girl on there that interested me. We hit it off and started texting and eventually went on our first date for drinks and playing pool. We both found out that we are good friends with the same person, which made her more comfortable about meeting someone from online in person.
True ghosting stories come from women and men who were with a partner for years and one day that partner walks away without a word. Leave a family behind without a call, a letter -- nothing at all. And, no, they weren't dead. That's ghosting. It happens more often than people realize. Best to hope that you don't find yourself in that position.
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Passionate Monica!...Gentlemen, I have known this lady for many many many years... first I met her for a massage in a hotel I stayed in Mount Lavinia way back in 2010 and she caught my interest on that first day itself and ever since I have never contacted any other lady whenever I visit Colombo.
To me she is more of a friend than a paid lady. The best thing about Monica is that she is never in a rush to take your money and leave. She is an honest women who work for an honest living and ensure that the she leaves the man happy..
When we meet we chat for ages about many things in life. I would say that she is a well read and an educated woman who you can talk about anything from Russian politics to international affairs to funny Russian videos and like good music...
I would have written this review about Monica a long ago, but I guess I didn’t because I was a bit jealous sharing her with rest of the world.
This is an honest review of this lovely lady. Treat her right and she’ll treat you well…
Last week Friday he mentioned to me that he wanted us to talk about something on Saturday. I spent the majority of the day at the beach on Saturday, regaled all the details to him on Sunday and asked him what he had wanted to talk about the day before. He told me that it can wait until later on closer to bedtime when things have quieted down for the day. We watched a show together and texted back and forth that night, but he didn’t bring it up. However, this morning he sent me a message essentially telling me that:
Realizing dreams and thirst for knowledge . my gas .
I guess, the problem is some kind of serious trust issue. I think I have pinpointed my parent's divorce as the reason, but then again I'm not a psychologist, just an amateur that majored in it for a few semesters lol. But on that note, one of my very first memories was what I considered to be a senseless separation of them, and I literally couldn't understand why because even as a toddler I could sense that it was not lack of love that drove them apart. Turns out it was her father, who told her to leave him or he would cut her off from college funding and what have you (he was a dropout who played in a band and partied etc, the worst enemy of a Conservative/Patriarch/iron fist father). Even now, 20 years later, she treats him like the Devil for absolutely no other conceivable reason, and he still loves her. So I think there is a subconscious fear that I will be betrayed in the very worst of ways just like my father was, which just happened to be one of my very first memories, and I remember coming across something in one of my Personality courses that your earliest memories often help shape who you are. That seems like the most likely culprit. I've been like this ever since my first real girlfriend at age 13, when I couldn't kiss her and she dumped me so it's not like I have a failed romance to blame; the pattern has existed from the very beginning so it precedes that.
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I'm a social bug love meeting new ppl my nice name crazyka.
I visited Sara this days and the experience was great. She is clen and much beautiful than in…
Oh and one other thing, people make stalking references to this. Which at first didn't bother me, because the only people I've let in on this were people I knew. They weren't serious. But it's the power of suggestion and it has made me think. I don't feel that I am stalking her. I told her if she ever wanted me to leave her alone I would and wish her nothing but the best in life. And in fact, when I sent her the CD with the song I wrote for her, I included a letter saying that I am under the impression she wants me to leave her alone and will not try and contact her again unsolicited. So maybe it is something with society I don't know. Why when a guy decides to write songs sends flower and such to a girl, everyone perverse minds suspect the worse? It bothers me a little to think people assume I am some psycho because I am determined and motived. *sigh*