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the OM.
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I have the same problem...
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I see where you're coming from but don't agree with you. Women are glad to be asked out and have sex with men they like, it's that simple. When a man asks a woman on a date it's based off of initial attraciton as he doesn't know anything about her and I'd assume the woman would say yes/no based on initial attraction as she doesn't know anything about him.
Just need to tell my story. Ugh.
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Wow! I met Gianna, she told me to call her Gigi,at her place for incalls May 20th. She immediatkey…
It is polite to keep a date you planned but it's equally polite to confirm. I'm serious about confirming with my own husband. We have tickets to see some comedian he loves on Thursday night. Sometime during the day I will reach out to confirm that neither of us is facing a work emergency & we're still on. With a new person in my life there is no way I'm going anywhere without confirmation that we're still good to go.
what a cute tummy
Perfect on so many levels.
Originally Posted by Stitch
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We had a long talk, and he knows that I am hurt, but I deserve that, like what the hell was I thinking. I am not the kind of person that goes around hurting people, and I wanted to take this arrangement farther than the friendship level. I am glad that your posts made me grow up before something awful happened like we were found on.
This guy is sketchy to say the least. What kind of guy would offer to be friends first? If that were the case, I doubt I would need to look for a " friend" on an online dating site. It just tells me he's too lazy to want to date, but he's trying to worm his way into getting girls to sleep with him.
The questions you ask are actually pretty complex, and if it wasn't your last year of college, I'd recommend you take a few sociology and psychology courses to clarify. Particularly relevant is the Soc course "Society and the Individual" which highlights the interplay between the two and makes for fascinating learning material. Other along the same lines would include Intro to Psych, Cognitive Psych, and related gender-construction sociology courses that would highlight the difference in many of these themes between men and women.
One thing to consider with this and it's advice through partial failure with a flaky ex more than anything, is you are seeing her behaviour now, how high a priority you are. Now when I forced myself to step back and let her initiate, suggest meets, it did work and she came on stronger. But, ultimately the same issues crept back and she at times would be flaky about meets again. This is why I responded to the post about it being a sign of someone with emotional or commitment issues. I wish I'd have made this connection sooner.
You run, you run FAR away from her and you never talk to her again. Hell, let her keep the ring, if need be, but the less you talk to this harpy, the better off you will be.
I uploaded a picture, can DU or someone else please give me feedback on the picture if for some reason it gets rejected? Thanks.
wonderful Latino with nice body and innocent attitude.... loved everybit of our encounter... very…"