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My friend is setting me up with this guy. We have seen each other's pictures on facebook. I think he is hot. He wrote to me and said we should definitely get together soon. I gave him my schedule. He hasnt contacted me. We saw each other at a restaurant today, but did not say a word to each other, as we havent been formally introduced. SHould I write to him and tell him sorry I didnt say hi, but hope to see him soon?
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Most of the comediennes don't make me laugh like Sarah Silverman: "If you want lemons then ya gotta make lemonAIDS." That's not funny ha-ha, it's more like it's funny cuz it's controversial.
I live near the sea my favorite place to be I fish in the near by lakes , and like to do some crabbin,I have a reall.
For me, your boyfriend is testing the waters already. The girl (at least by this exchange) seems like avoiding the advances without hurting your boyfriend's feelings OR also, she seems to know what your BF is up to so but she doesn't want to assume so she's answering the texts properly for me.
ive been hearing it takes 35 votes to get in.. how come my pic made it in with 33?
Hi don't know what to say on these things. No fake profiles pleas.
Actually, I think this is a really good idea. I think that the main challenge is meeting other autistic women, but maybe if you could find a social group or support group for autistic people you could meet some autistic women there. You would have to be very careful to not get the reputation of being there only to hit on girls, but other than that I think you should give it a try.
I don't think any healthy woman is going to have sex with a man she doesn't find attractive. So. . . I guess, the same way you know if anyone is emotionally healthy: By getting to know them.
From a male perspective, I would not be at all happy being called 'baby'. Knicknames cool, but baby NO !
"Had a chance to session with Goddess Lana, she's tall and pretty. With her many years of…
I just dn't know how people sustain themselves going on 10+ (or 100+) - I'm introvert and for me it would be a soul crushing experience. That's why I like to do a lot of pre-selection by targeting specific groups etc.
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A young Ben Stiller in "Something About Mary".
Background: So my friend tells me she's one of those party type girls that likes to hook up. I'm indifferent to the thought as I actually like the girl and don't really care about making judgements. When I talked to her (this is before 1st date) somehow I managed to impress her enough to be somewhat interested in me despite not even exchanging more than 2 sentences in person.
I have just uploaded pics for you to review tell me please if they are not good enough and why please.
Why are girls considered immature when they don't feel like talking about economics, politics, books or art? I'm a guy and I don't want to spend all my free time talking about that stuff either. With girls that age, they're probably spending their time learning all that in school at the moment and don't feel like talking about school.