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Shes so awesome!!
same here dude
How sad for you. I agree you need to get more evidence. This will be useful in divorce court. Hope you get your answers soon.
So, let's think of ways to be more thoughtful for your girlfriend. What does she like? What is she into? Tell us about a typical day, a hobby, a secret love, whatever. Let's brain storm up some ideas to make her smile.
Thanks for your feedback. I am better emotionally now. This bad energy or bull**** has to end, this is where it does. Have a great year, people!
The next day I felt awful... I even texted and apologized to him for even saying it. He didn't answer the text.
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i havent seen this version before but the other one with her in shorts is fantastic
I'd do this. You can easily turn that opener into small talk for a couple minutes, maybe make a joke or two about how you were sick (only attempt it if you are good at being funny on the spot, though :P ). After you talk for a couple minutes, ask her to coffee. Bingo!
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she's my only roomate option. My girl is leaving me becasue she says she needs space.
DU..i took care of it..i give no warnings for that crap
He had already made plans to hang out with his friends that night, he didn't want to hang out with me. Or maybe I didn't pick up on that. He told me if I wanted to, I could call/txt him later. Which I did, and it wasn't responding to anything.. just a simple "hope you had fun tonight".
Way too much drama for 10 mons, think about your future, leave him...this is all bad, all around and if you stay you're deceiving yourself and have you to blame for what you go through because to me he's given you all the signs in the world that he is untrustworthy to say the least.
1) You are very young, and he is old enough to have seen that young people are very fickle and can change their minds fairly quickly. Since you've still got a lot of school to go before real life starts, it makes sense for him to enjoy the current times as they go and watch how you mature. If you're still into him in a few years, then fine. If a couple go by, you change your mind, get cold feet, meet some frat dude, whatever, its a good thing that he didn't rush into marriage or an agreement to get married.