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Mighty big shoes to fill my friend.
If my girl does that she gets no booty for a week even if I have to suffer for her crap.
I love the country life and what it has to offer. Would rather be outside than in a house. Love most animals but any especially in the dairy busines.
That's a good point. My definition of 'dating' is when I ask an otherwise unknown or platonically known woman to join me specifically for the purpose of getting to know her better for romantic relations. This would preclude any meeting over business and/or shared interests. If there isn't a specific 'reason' (outlined prior) for the invitation and I find her attractive, then it's asking her on a date. The rejection tally prior was based upon that definition. Amongst female friends/business colleagues, there have been countless (thousands) times where we had conflicting schedules or a meeting didn't work out. Those don't count (as rejections) because there is no romance intended nor inferred.
a perfect and loving relationship..........and you cheated on him.
What do I do? Is it generally wrong to date coworkers, or do some girls feel differently?
I live in Perth in Western Australia. I study Medicine 2nd year. There is a girl I like in the year before me, who lives in Sydney. I do not get to talk to her regularly; only getting the chance to say hi at Medicine parties that we both attend (there are a lot of Medicine parties). The uni term is ending this Friday, with one party on that day.