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Of course, if you truly believe that "love is enough" then why are you worried? I think it's because you know that it takes more than just love and because you want to be responsible for yourself - which is great.
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You're not the only one this happens to.. Awkward Boners
Let me translate the statement " she wants to find herself" means. You are at different colleges, very young , and all her friends are going out partying and hooking up with guys. It looks pretty good to her and your chances of stopping it are nil and none. Married women say the same thing, usually phrased as "I need space". The overwhelming percentage of times that statement is made there is either another man in the picture or will be shortly.
Argh.. why is this **** so complicated..
Other watermark is right under the TG one.
This kind of goes back to what I said earlier, humans are too dynamic to assume anything, no matter what they look/act like. It's always best to be realistic, instead of being idealistic. I think this applies even more so for women, because men rarely, if ever, have to be concerned about being used for sex.
You really shouldn't get too emotionally invested with this situation.
The problem here is that your boyfriend seems to have a cozy friendship with this particular girl. From what you have described, your boyfriend has a crush on her. Do you know what their history is like? In other words, when and how did they meet? Have you met her?
To me you are a kid. My kids ages. So you can dismiss my advice as being out of touch, or you can respect it for the vast amount of experience that I have. Your choice.
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I need help trying to convince her that she doesn't need to worry over them. I just want to make her feel happy. Can you help me please?
I also used to keep her panties cause her natural smell would drive me crazy, don't know why. But yeah, that stopped when my father found them. (I wonder if he smelled them, ooooh I'm gonna so pissed if he did).
She later cancelled our evening meet as she had too much to do in the evening and also wanted an early night. I am due to see her tomorrow however due to a prearranged family gathering she wants me to attend.