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He was a different person in highschool just like I was a different person in high school. We were teenagers and now we are adults.
You're ahead of most other girls if you actually do ignore jerks & players for smart, "nice" guys, which you claim to. Might just be bad luck so far. I don't see how you could think that every intellectual guy is not in touch with his emotions. As a genius I would say that we aren't controlled by our emotions (or our penises either.) Also many of us geniuses have been sh-t on by women our whole lives and as a result don't trust them and are tired of walking around with broken hearts, pining over another girl who treats us like dirt.
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But negotiating the weapon is another matter entirely.
Wow! Any more of these 2?
Nothing more unattractive than an insecure woman.
I look away if a guy looks at me. I stare like they are not there.
If he is a specialty doctor, chances are he will be 40 hours and bring home a ton of loot.
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wish her shirt was a lot shorter and bra off.
I am attracted to him because he is absolutely not aggressive at all, we are basically the same person. We have all the same interests, I am quite shy too so I can relate to him a lot. It is just much more magnified for him and at first I think I was not so trusting because of some horrid experiences in my past relationships, so I thought he was just being a jerk when he would cancel but it isn't it at all I realize now. I'm used to being the "****ed up" person in the relationship and I have really gotten over a lot of problems in my past and I still have some to deal with but I feel very connected to this guy.
For real. I did ....
Lots of great posts. I agree with Madman's ultimation suggestion and also those that suggested you clue her parents up as to her behaviour, and let them know a divorce is likely looming. I just got a feeling this is going to end up in flames.
Hey! My name is Robert. I'm seeking a lady that would like meet someone who is kind, romantic, loving and have a lot to offer for the right woma.
Like it already says anything you want to know just ask me I am an open book I have no reason to lie to you if you would like to talk to me more you can message me on ki.
BIG MISTAKE. I've had a really bad gut feeling this entire week about our relationship. The previous week, I spend the full week taking care of him after his shoulder surgery. He had NO ONE ELSE. I even spent time with his son and cooked , cleaned up, etc. I had to return back to work this week so I hadn't seen him but I would call and check on him to see how he was recovering. I offered to bring him food during the middle of the week and he declined. We usually make plans to see each other on the weekends due to my busy work schedule. Although our relationship isn't long distance, he lives about 30 minutes away, and in my line of work, I can't afford an hour commute during weekdays. When he called me tonight, he seemed rushed like he had to get off the phone and then he told on himself.
Iteach: It talks about that in the "Where Are My Uploads?" section of the site