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Have your kick ass reception with alcohol and dancing and such Saturday night.
Don't over think it.
To be honest, those are the only two situations I could think of that I'd find myself in a strip club. There isn't anything douchebaggish, disrespectful, or unfaithful about a strip club. All of those labels stem from the GF's own insecurities.
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I think they like each other real well.
Rationally, she deserves another chance. She was drunk. It was a mistake. She was forthright and told you about it.
So here are my questions: I've told him I love him, and I do, but am I IN love with him, and what is the difference? What is he after, could he really love me? How much does the age difference effect what has happened in the relationship so far?
oh shit
reducing the time she spends there. Twice a week is enough, she does not need to come over every day. She does not need to ring your bf every day.
The weird part is that I'm not into drugs/alcohol at all and don't consciously want to be with someone who is.....so what's going on here? How do I fix this?? Any ideas anyone has would be awesome. Thanks!
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So, she got all excited about this guy she's been emailing off this site for the last week or so. From what she said he seemed nice enough. This guy gave her his mobile number last week and said to text or ring or something. She text him and he asked about meeting up.
I met mistress anita for a second session after a long time. She is just getting more beautiful and irresistible. My heart just melted the moment I touched her feet with my lips. Her beauty simply crosses the level of description. She gave me mixed emotions : a combination between humiliation and devotion worshiping her feet. Thanks a lot ma'am. I would definitely have one more session with you soon
I felt bad for her so I stayed out of pity but to tell you the truth don't really think I'm in love with her (never really was). I just loved/liked her but not with those tantrums she throws.
She did tell me she has dated a string of losers, mostly stoners and addicts, and the last dude she was with was the really controlling and jealous type who, after accusing her of cheating on him, then cheated on her to "beat her to the punch". I think the longest was "off and on for five years" which I assume was her high school boyfriend.
Outstanding. Quik2Favs.
My GF and I split after a year. I moved on. I was dating. I was happy. She begged me to give it one more shot, so I did.
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Wow, you have a great deal of insight and emotional maturity at 19!
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I made a bad decision. That doesn't make me a bad person. I have 50+ years in this life to atone.