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I uploaded two whole photos of a girl and they only let one through (it passed 93-9 too)...
shes cute would like 2 see more body paint...
Holy crap...wow, that is nice. Love that tummy.
I approached her (she kind walked into it)
Omg, wow!
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Tuna ... it sounds like you guys had a great connection to start out with, but you may have blown this one. Personally, my amber alert would have gone off. I've learned quickly that guys who can't control their control panel leads to some unhappy endings. Maybe she'll let this one slide and you'll hear from her but I'd be surprised (especially if she is a more seasoned dater who has healthy self-respect).
Then I will have to re-evaluate our relationship because I would never dream of doing that to you.
One of the most infamous lies that they like to pull out of the Cheaters handbook is that they were already in house separated, or were not even intimate.
He said to me "honestly, what do you think i'm going to do" in the "i'm not going anywhere" tone.
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I'm a devoted Christian, I'm an optimist and try to surround myself with positive people who are creative and engaged in lif.
Well, I have to hand it to you. You are bound and determined to control this.
If you are completely remorseful, as you state, then you MUST come clean to your boyfriend - regardless of the consequences.
50 stars! lol :p