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Indeed she is! I can't get past the hypocrisy of some women on here, they want to pay for nothing at all, but the guy is cheap if he wants to split? Wth?
Same here. Op is just projecting.
See what he says. It may come down to giving him an ultimatum: forget about your past with her and focus on the present with me -- or else you can forget about having me at all. But I wouldn't issue it right away. If he gets it, great -- no need for an ultimatum, which is usually not a good thing to bring into a relationship. If he doesn't get it, well... would you want to bother issuing the ultimatum? If he doesn't get it then he's a bit thick and perhaps not worth the trouble.
nice smile, nice hooters
Holy shit, she's hot, a musician, AND loves anime...I'm in love.
Love the panty view here.
They're both hot. Love this pic.
I was browsing throught he "Why men date younger women" thread, and it got me wondering.
Originally Posted by sexiibabee
Sorry OP, but this very likely isn't going to end well for you.
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What throws me is how interested she seems to be in me when I am in her presence. Laughing, smiling, gazing, touching, staring, etc. Because due to her "busy schedule" I would think she has low interest, as I have put myself in her shoes and reversed it. If I ever told a girl I have a busy schedule it means not interested. But when together her actions seem much different.
Opinions on what to do?
hey daddy must be proud
Now, I don't know you or him...and I don't know if he's out with "the boys" on certain days or certain nights...but you might want to figure out his pattern of leaving the house and when. This relationship doesn't sound healthy...and he's sounding more like a brother than a lover. He's staying because he's comfortable...plus I'm assuming you two live together, and it's not easy to get out of that type of relationship. I can't imagine that you're any happier in the relationship than he is.