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Sitdown dates are wayyy too much pressure.
At this point, the last thing that matters is whether you love your girlfriend or not. STOP CHEATING on her. It is an awful thing to do to someone. What goes around comes around, and let me tell you...when it happens to you, you'll be devastated.
Sounds like you have incompatible lifestyles to me. He probably is stretched thin, but as someone who usually is stretched thin, you can still make room for variety in your activities if you want to. He's fine with Netflix and chillin as are a whole lot of guys. It's nice that he at least thinks of you and buys you gifts. At least he's not just a penny pincher or something and is gainfully employed and all that. You should suggest going to a spa or something, a club that's open late, something you want to do.
Hi. I have 3 kids but only one lives at hom.
2) Cut her off.
Hi.I am looking for a good woman that's kind and not violent natured I would love to have a woman wear leather pants and heels for me that looks so amazing to me ..I like to go for.
Sorry Aero, but you are trying to rationalize away the stigma. If money changes hands, then it is prostitution. I have no problem with that, just be honest about it.
godamn right
I just got through dealing with a somewhat similar situation. The main difference is that I was the guy who had all the good qualities but fell short in the physical department. My advice to the OP is to exit as quickly as you can. That way, no one has their time wasted.
Tall, good looking, lean and kind I raised children and took care of elders and built a prosperous and successful career. I recently moved to Nashville and look to have a intimate partner to share.
dam i agree
boomboom1234: most of your uploads don't look like JB. Probably seniors in high school or a bit older. In any case, that's why they were rejected.