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"Apr 7 2007"
Outgoing and appreciative of what life brings me everyday. Self motivated and happy. I love to travel and learn about other cultures. Not much of a T.V guy, most of it is drivel. I prefer to be.
Fast forward to the party. Instead of talking and spending time with the girl you actually have a crush on. You fool around with some other girl in full view of the girl you actually do want. Were you trying to make her jealous or something?
"This little firecraker has what you want grate oral skills and a smoken hot body she aims to please…
He was out of town, and she sent me a text saying she wanted to hangout. We made plans and did go out together the next night. I later found out they got into a argument about her wanting to go out with me, but she did it anyway.(I've known for a while that he has some insecurities about mine and her relationship) We both got too drunk and she said she couldn't drive home. We made the decision to stay at my place, and that she didn't have to say anything. We get to my place, we immediately go to the bedroom and she immediately takes off her clothes down to a tight undershirt and panties. It took me by surprise, we got into bed and her boyfriend called to check in I guess. She didn't answer. I don't know how I fell asleep, but I woke up with me and her cuddling. Nothing sexual happened. Long story short, I felt bad for getting into that situation.
Then I wondered, what would happen if men here in the US did the same? A few PUAs would jump for joy because they'd have a huge pool of women all to themselves, that much I can be sure of... but then how would the women feel? Would they feel relieved that they're not being chased as much anymore, or lose interest, or become flexisexual???
Divorced, single, professional looking for quality, honest, Christian professional male to get to kno.
All I could do is try to love my bf and do everything for him 200%.
Righty's legs!
i could stare at those beautiful stars and stripes all day!
Lefty is such a cutie pie
Since you haven't even gone on a date with the guy, waffling back and forth about the date, lengthy explanations, extended complaints about how unsexy you now feel, and long emails are unnecessarily dramatic, and leave the impression that he dodged a bullet.
Maybe I'm just wired to dream about fairy tales and the white picket fence. I dont know how to shut that off. I've been screwed over so many times in the past 2 years, if I'm not done dreaming of my wedding day...I dont know that I ever will be
yes 5 o'clock is my favorite
vote 2 keep=P
I'm with Auntie Cool on this - why try to trap him in a lie with a lie? "Oh what a tangled web we weave...."
couch blinds bow
Also in #60536 and #37209.
Any advice would be appreciated. There is no reason he should have to go through this stress. She decided it was over between them the first time she laid down with that other man. Now its time for her to realize its over and move on herself. Because to be honest she came over once when I was there and her and him went outside to fight and then he left me at his house while he went over to her house to try to straighten things out. Then the 2nd time I had to leave his house because she was on her way over to fight some more. But I am getting a little worn out on getting kicked out and made to wait because of her. I really dont want to deal with this issue. And for as sweet as he is, as much as I enjoy being around him, and how he is with his 3 children and my 2 children....I dont think I have the patience for this. So, any suggestions?
So everything he posts on Facebook has to do with you?