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With the threads created, it would certainly seem as if Rko28's issues may be more transparent than he thinks....?
she looks a lot like LeAnn Rimes.
another flex girl
Definitely need more of her!
i vote 2 keep.
Right you are skinny
If she can mess around on her fiancee, she can mess around on you.
He tells me everything. I think I'm the only one who really knows about his cheating, although I'm sure his girlfriend had a pretty good idea what was going on. He said he didn't want to break up because he really loved her but no sex was pretty much what ruined their relationship, and obviously him cheating all the time. He's pretty much my best friend but the girl he just started dating is really a close friend too and I don't want her to get hurt. He says he loves her and he only cheated on his ex because she wouldn't have sex, and this new relationship they have sex a lot and he wont ever cheat on her.
this guy def. makes you uncomfortable and since i, like you, am not one to tell my bf who to be friends with and who not to be friends with, you need to just gently let her know you feel she might be favoring him a wee bit more then you. if you two dont have a date night, why should she. it really doesnt make sense. you should let her know that you too need the attention that she is giving this guy. remember she is with YOU for a reason and, like i think you know, if she wanted to be with this guy im sure she could. hopefully she will respect you enough to give you some leway in this relationship. if you only see her one to two nights a week then she should be making alone time wtih YOU, not a friend. although i hold my friends high on my list of priorities, my bf is close up there as well, and if i get a chance to see him i know i would.
You just have to try to think calmly & realistic, rather than letting those pessimistic thoughts get into your head and jumping to conclusions.