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You need to ask yourself why are you with him when he doesn't show you love. He isn't forcing you to be with him. You have to take responsibility for your life and get what you deserve. Do you work? If so, start saving money to move out of your sister's place and get your own. Staying there knowing he is crushing on your sister is going to feed your insecurity. He definitely wants her.
So you don't find it sad that someone doesn't get turned on by their partner alone? You find that to be "normal."
I'm actually on a free dating site called Date My School but no luck. I was talking to this girl but it seem like things faded out because she doesn't respond to my messages anymore maybe she know we are too far apart by roughly 2000 miles. I like in California and she lives in Indiana, so that is a lost there. Since then I have not had one girl send me a message or anything, so I guess no is interested least on that site. I'm actually thinking of closing my profile.
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Just moved from NE Indiana. I will be a manager for a new retail store near 132nd and Center. Been in town 10 days. Good looking guy of more than average intelligence (so the tests say). Looking.
Karina is everything I look for in a girl. Cannot be grateful enough for the time spent together. A1 service, hands down one of the best in here.
*shakes head Indian style*
stuff of dreams!
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I would recommend trying as many different avenues as possible. Try playing in a sports team. Try actively pursuing your hobbies. But all I can say is that I will keep trying... even though I haven't had much success over the past few years.
But that's me and what matters to me. No one can tell you what to do. You have to figure out what you want in a partner, and what is acceptable to you.
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Hi.looking for a man who is loving and have good in his heart. ready to move on and don't play any head game .
OP, have you ever dated someone like him before?
too available? cool it for now stop discussing him and you
Smart intelligent, felt like doing my X, she kept on giving me orders & rules, it was a total turn off..
But she has a sweeet ass.."