Hidden by Owner. Anything Fluttershy-related is allowed in the gallery: Group pictures Crossovers Cosplays Etc The Cute folder is only when your art doesn't fit in any other folder. Der Autor hat keine Kurzbeschreibung zu dieser Geschichte verfasst. BluesBar BluesBar. Nightmare Moon Prinzessin Luna.
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· Surprisingly, this only took 43 minutes to build. For it being my first attempt at pixel art, I am pleased. Link to original song: jaygilday.com Author: Purple Doom. Working out doesn't work out by Lopoddity on DeviantArt. Working out doesn't work out by Lopoddity on DeviantArt. Working out doesn't work out by Lopoddity on DeviantArt. Saved from jaygilday.com Working out doesn't work out by Lopoddity on DeviantArt. Rosemary (daughter of Fluttershy and Bulk Biceps) makes an offhand, well-intentioned remark about Pandora's . The more she learns to trust you (a long-term score), the more openly she will indicate her level of fun (a short-term score). For example, if you make her really happy, and then you start being mean, she gets angry instead of scared.
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do you really want to be with a woman who's emotionally cheating on her boyfriend? danger zone is right. if you're still really interested in her, please respect her, her boyfriend, their relationship and respect yourself by telling her that nothing can happen between you two unless she's single or if they have an arrangement where they're allowed to see other people (an open relationship).