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I didn't mean "naive" in the negative way :-). Since it came to your knowledge, you treated this great. But ask your self - Why didn't you see it coming? Is it only because she is extremely schizophrenic and no one could see it coming? Or maybe there were signs that you ignored. I of course has no clue about it. Only you can dig and track it.
whata an ASS!!
Why does the OP refuse to say if her boss is single or married?
Take it from a someone whose been there. While my situation does not mirror yours exactly its close. I was the wife with the ex-bf that would not go away. I didn't realize fully the "connection" that was there and thought that I could have a "closure" conversation with him after 13 yrs. One thing led to another and it ended after a 2 month emotional affair. My husband is still trying to figure out if he can get over it. Mostly because this guy was an issue in the beginning. If they've had sex anytime in the past then they run the risk of something re-developing. If he's hiding contact with her from you than its definitely something to be concerned about.
However, you've been together for two years. Don't let other people suggest your insecurity is at fault here. A solid, two year relationship can easily endure 3-4 months apart. Yes, I said it, EASILY, as long as both people are committed. I'd be bothered by a response like that too. I'd think a loving partner would say "long distance can be difficult, so we'll need to work extra hard at communicating. But this is a great opportunity for you. Is there any way we could see each other halfway through? I love you and support you in this." At the very least, you want a relationship were someone loves and is that committed to you, to express himself in that way.
I loved him with all my heart and soul but what I went through during my mourning period is not half as hard and as painful as what I'm going through right now.
So now refer to my first post in this thread about the rest of the story.
I had fear implanted in me as a child. I was deadly afraid of the reprecussions if I should get caught in a white lie.. It still haunts me today. I am working at removing this.
lookit them skinny legs! sweet!
mega gap
I am 35 and he is 54.
lacelover7: your uploads are terrible. Read the "Where are my Uploads" section to the right and the FAQ. Those soccer pics are not acceptable at all.
(a) this is totally made up because someone is bored
I am always to open and gentle to my frien.
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And yes, please pay the gas with your money once in a while, we're not really at the times when men pay for everything. If you earn both the same, you can reciprocate.
think bout it.
I suggest if its killing you to talk to him maybe send him a short text on something funny that has happened in your day to day life just to see if you can get a response as you never know he may be sitting on the other side of the phone thinking this girl must not like me because she never sends me a text or calls. Since you guys have plans you could also give a suggestion on something to do when you guys are together. If it is something that will cost money I suggest you offer to pay for it too.
more of them especially righty
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