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Hi. am a very simple man, love making friends, and love understanding, smiles a lo.
Yes, I think he likes you, but maybe he's really shy and/or unsure about dating a coworker.
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Yes i think it's just gonna set me back even further. Anyway problem solved, he's not coming as he is now down with a bad flu and couldn't drive...
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That's because women only want to lure certain men.
she said that she is feeling comfortable with me.. (just like my cheating ex said)
out going,always a gentlema.
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Well if you don't get fed at home you eat out. Can a married man ever play? Six foot 195lbs br/bl 61 years old in the Brandon area. Safe, smart, fun looking for a non jealous lady friend. Lunch.
Think carefully about what you do here. If you continue to stay in contact with him this could drag on for a long time and you will be the one who suffers the most. Think about the time you waste on this guy is time you could be spending on getting to know another guy with actual relationship potential. This guy has nothing to offer you but heartbreak.