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He talks about other girls around me a lot and does not make any effort in pursueing me outside of the texting. He was quite flaky last weekend when he said he would join my friends and I for sushi. I texted him asking if he's going later. he responded hes going to hang out with his friends. i was a little pissed, but i didnt respond to say anything. He called later to say have a good time.
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One of the best pieces of advice a friend gave me is that if it's love, it's worth changing your plans. At the time I thought it was stupid. I mean, if they love me, they would want me to achieve all my dreams. But I'm starting to see the wisdom in it. If I met a guy tomorrow that was worth it, I'd ditch the art shows without a second thought. I might go work as a paralegal now instead of going for my JD. I'd at least reconsider moving across the country to the best law school that will have me.
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