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A week ago my husband of 9 years told me he was going down to the bar to shoot pool with his buddy, the next day I came to figure out that he had really been to a strip club. It turns out he spent $140 at this all nude strip club on beer, tips, and 4 lap dances (all with the same stripper) He lied about where he was going and continued to lie until he knew he had been caught (I found the jeans he had been wearing, stuffed halfway into a full dirty clothes basket, reeking of womens perfume) At this point he admited to going there and after much yelling, told me he had paid for 4 lap dances.
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Why can't I just ignore her?
Ask him for his passwords and see what he says. If he gets defensive then that is a sign that HE is projecting what he may be guilty of thinking onto you.
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The other thing to think about is this great guy you are so close to. This is like one of those horror movies where the good looking guy walks past a mirror and the reflection shows some kind of a monster. Remember that this is a guy who has (now at least twice) cheated on the woman he supposedly loves. This isn't a one-time "mistake", this is a pattern. This is a character flaw. He is a liar, in one of the most inhumane, hurtful ways that one can be a liar - to someone who loves (loved?) and trusts (trusted?) him.
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DU: What if that were happen to me or someone else who contributes a lot to the site. Since there is no way to change our password, what are we to do to keep ourselves from being compromised?
Hi..Thanks for viewing my profile. I hope to find a best friend,to build a relationship with. I have an outgoing personality, and have been told, I can talk to anyone.Am caring, compassionate and.
She kept saying to me "If you get a female roommate (ex's name) will cheat on you and go out with her" or some crap like that and I started to believe it, and questioned my ex's fidelity. And understandably he was quite outraged by this accusation and we stayed up all night arguing about it!! UGH.
from boy friend to the boyfriend.
During the last weeks we go out more often than ever for coffee, food, drinking, dancing, cinema etc. I once threw her a neg, like "You are not good enough at this" and she was both shocked but at the same time smiled. "Not good enough? Me? Oh come oon". She repeated that like 3 times during 1 hour, like she wanted to qualify her to me. Also, in Facebook sometimes we have an instant reply chat for 30 minutes straight, and some other times she might respond after 2-3 hours even if she appears like online. But she works all day like me and she has tons of messages as she switched her status to "Single", so not quite sure about how important I am to her.
tummyfan - this girl's hot, and she has a great stomach. she eats right and she's showing off those abs.
Look, I am clean and sober for over 20 years. I am a recovering addict and alcoholic. I also used to deal cocaine. I'll tell you right now that you probably want to run from this one. She will be more than happy to keep dealer boy around. I assure you that they are more than just friends. I sure as hell didn't put blow up chicks noses for free because I wanted to play Trivial Pursuit all night and reminisce about the 80's.
dirty uncle's gonna curse that guy out again lol