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Via email, we set up a date and time, and place to meet for lunch. Lunch goes well and we have a lot of things to talk about. After lunch, i ask her if she would like to go to an event with me the following week. She agrees tentatively, because she thinks, she might have to work around her calendar. I email her the event details. The event has 4 possible open dates/time. She responds by saying, she can't make any of the dates, because she has a conflict. Then I suggest a couple of more options for some similar events on other days, and she comes back saying she can't make them either... she has some conflicts...
Stars and.. well Just more stars :) and of course a cute bikini girl.
I don't understand this cuddling and flirting thing with "friends." Friends don't do that. In addition to cuddling while watching movies, you slept in the same bed and cuddled, shared some kisses, and romantically slow danced...not what friends do. It seems she keeps you around for some affection and something sort of like a boyfriend until she meets someone she is truly interested in. Maybe this behavior was her way of hinting to take it to the next level, but when cuddling and flirting is part of this "friendship," how are you supposed to know? She could have expressed her feelings or made a move on you. I think it was up to her to do so, after the blowout a year prior. It was up to her to let you know she was ready. I think she's too wishy-washy, and I just don't see her as taking a huge interest in you if she quickly responded to some other guy she was crushing on. Sorry. I really am. Don't cuddle with "buddies." You don't cuddle up with your dude friends...friends don't cuddle.
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Im a single mother. My daughter is 3. I am very romanctic and caring. I work full time and collage full tim.
After 600 posts, at least 300 of which were completely off topic, I think we have gotten enough from this thread. It was fun, we appreciate your participation, and now we depart into the sunset for another day!
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Checking this sight out. I am a kind, good hearted, lovable, desent, and just a all around guy. Not out to set the world on fire but want to find a nice lady to do stuff with. What ever we want.
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If a guy been waiting for so long - he is either so much in love with you or just obessed.. I would have moved on by now - i would not wait 6 months while another girl i love is with another man...
Same girl #34926
While he has only asked me to do something twice so far, I have asked him at least 3 times whether he wants to hang out and every time he said yes. (We are due to go to a baseball game this thursday.)