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I'll need advise now as I still has 3 projects with her and will be seeing her 2 weeks later in office.
I'd need more details. You haven't said much other than you messed up and he said some really mean things to you in response. For all I know you told him to meet you in a hotel room and you were having sex with his old best friend, who cheated with his previous gf, when he showed up. If you are unwilling to share, all I can say is apologize sincerely, and then give him space.
I live in Shreveport Louisiana. I am spontaneous, passionate and driven. I do not have hangout apps. seeking a Christian woman who lives near Shrevepor.
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First Ginger Emo I've seen...I have to say, I'm a fan.
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I slept with her last july. A few months past and then she kept making passes at me each time we were alone I refused until january of this year. I had lasted 6 months.
Because his view, however, is that it bothers him that I am "friends" with hundreds of people (most of which he does not know- high school friends and such.. which is true, I haven't spoken to most of my "facebook friends" in years) and that I have "hundreds of pictures" on there to which "any of those guys can jerk off to" .....!!?? Ok... maybe because I am a girl I do not think of that? I understand his concern I guess.... Honestly, it would suck if the roles were reversed.. So......
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Well, I'm a good hearted person, I'm a hard working man, I'm independent, mature and respectfu.
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But, whatever. I can't be arsed to respond to that message. I'm not a shoulder to cry on. I've got better things to do than listening to her problems.
You liked her from the beginining, but you chose to be her lap-dog.
Just moved to fort Riley, trying to meet new peopl.