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This young lady deserves to have a competent photographer...! Would love to see her shot better!
Last thought.. how are you communicating with him? How do you normally speak to him, and vice versa. Just before you two get into a fight... is he abrupt, harsh, etc? Are you?
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You think just like me army Dave. I agree on all your posts
I woke up early, got all dolled up to meet him after work, and I saw he had texted me around 8 a.m. to cancel due to him having the flu. He said he did want to meet me and asked if we could 'shoot for next week'. Of course I understand, and I don't think he's not interested in meeting me, I was sick last week too...but this alleviates my anxiety about it!
It scales with age. A 2 year age gap is pretty significant in HS, same in college, and expands thereafter to 7-8 years. When many women get ready to settle and have kids, and even before, as it colors their sexual behavior from a young age, they are looking for resources first, genes second, age last. Sure there are exceptions, talking generally here.
no, shes very reserved when it comes to her feelings normally - like even at her nans funeral, I know how bad she was hurting (she was very close to her nan and her death was very sudden) but she didn't cry, she was looking after everyone else. Shes different with me to some extent though, she lets me in more, y'know she cried herself to sleep that night in my arms but saying that she'd made me breakfast in bed as per next morning when i woke up - again alwasys looking out for everyone else. But ive gone off topic, she doesn't have many close male friends.
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- I've been the one to set up the first 3 dates
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