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I want a woman full of love, respect and will never think of cheating on me well i will say am a happy man and i have all i want to leave for, a comfortable life and a smooth nice one..i need a.
When he was presented with your crush, he didn't just brush it off and move on, he sent it up through proper HR channels, and managed to pull it off in a way that didn't appear to hurt Spookie's career prospects within the company either.
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Im nice,outgoing,fun loving type of person. i enjoy music hanging with friends. Im a nice person so get to know m.
I don't think I'm terribly unattractive. I'm not a mean person and I do have some good points, but I'm also socially awkward and reserved. I've asked girls out before, but most often been met with "You're very sweet, but I'll have to pass," or "I have a boyfriend," and the one date I did have ended with never hearing from her again.
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Not all women are "hotties" or "delicious." He needs to hang out with some really ugly women. His sexual urges will disappear guaranteed.
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Hi. open and honest man with good hear.
However, I think he was just burned badly in the past by being lied to a lot. He has explained a couple major incidents which happened in a couple past relationships, which while the girls involved weren't cheating on him, they hurt him badly by making up some pretty big lies. I think that has made him feel inadequate in some way, a little paranoid, and combine that with the fact that he does not have a lot of money (therefore not much to offer in that respect)... it makes him very insecure...
I am average looking male. looking to date and mate girl.
Dude, grow a pair, tell her what you did and leave the ball in her court to determine the direction of her own life. You have lost that right. And you now are shopping for someone to advocate your plans, which will eventually backfire. I doubt you have the gumption to be able to carry this off without getting busted. If you can't keep it in your pants, you can't keep a secret.
This is more about you and your self respect. If someone says they aren't attracted to you outright after an hour, you need to realize that it's probably not going to get much further. He seems to not want any kind of connection with you because he realized this within the time that you both were hanging out in person. Take his words as a "Thank you for not wasting my time" and find someone that is INTO you. You deserve that, for yourself.
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Lemme get this straight: Your S/O is spending time with someone who's cheating on their partner?
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I'm glad you had a chat about it and everything seems fine! It will still feel a little off, this is the sort of thing where time will tell.