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She said yes (found out later it was because she wanted to be nice) and I showed up at her door with a bouquet of flowers.
what a dream...love her
Hi..I am looking for a social man, someone who likes to go to local event.
I don't suppose you're making cold approaches? Because "sorry I have a boyfriend" is the universal way to get away from a cold approach.
I am humbl.
I dont know what to do?
Good Luck..
This girl is fantastic.
After this third date she really started playing hard to get. I kinda got fed up with the games and decided I would invite her on an elaborate date. If she balked, I would know and just walk away. If she said yes I would know she was in it. I invited her to go camping because we both talked about how much we liked it. This was Thursday and I asked her to go with me on Saturday. She took a while to respond and then said it sounded like a lot of fun but that her best friend told her to keep her graduation weekend wide open because she had a surprise... I thought this sounded more like an excuse but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and told her to let me know the next day (Friday). She said she would.
I am a genuine, humble and down to earth woman with a welcoming sense of humor. I love listening to music and watching American movies. I love trying something new. I love cooking , i love singing.
She eventually did go for child support so testing occurred and he was not the father.
Exactly. It's evil, misogynist men who are forcing sweet, innocent women to enjoy porn against their will, and stay stuck in a relationship with them as well. Give me a break.
I know, I have to be patient or move on. It just might be a little hard because I really fell in love with her, I even can't stop thinking about her. but li ke i said i have to be patient and if she doesn't respond i'll have to move on.
I'm with you guys on this, and Southside, you still haven't answered Beffuddled's question re: what is the meaning of "you don't know this girl?" What exactly is THAT supposed to mean?????
I know you said you were sure it wasn't a rebound, but his behavior might suggest otherwise.
Your boyfriend is either a Liar, a Pussy, or a combination of both.
Hi, need a distraction lol. Let's tal.
P.S.- Bowman, the tinyurl pic could have been denied due to the shadows and what-not.. or the ignorant face she's displaying. (Regardless, it's over with, drop it. And now I'm done. Goodnight :)
I am a caring, compionate and gentle person with a desire to help others. I am outgoing and enjoy socialising but also see the importance in maintaining intellectually stimulating activities. I have.
Originally Posted by Jam3s