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Or do I need to look at the big picture, recognize my goal to be married one day, and end my (happy) relationship?
CB, if you look unapproachable or disinterested in more than being friendly, men will not ask you out, since they hate, like anyone else, to be rejected. Give him the green light and see where this goes. If he's interested, he'll ask you out. If not, nothing risked beyond an opportunity to brush up on your flirtation skills.
I have been exposed to it, so I would never ever date anyone with mental illness. It can really wear you down.
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I think you're boyfriend is going to get through this with you and I hope you can allow it to be as smooth and kind and thoughtful of a process as you've allowed it to be so far. I only WISH I could be so reserved!!!
Good luck and congrats on the baby!
I'm a spiritual person, and my way is through Kabbalah. I am a caring, compionate person and am working with the military as a counselo.
I'm big strong dud.
Look out there, all kinds of people are in relationships.