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You say that you "became infatuated with her", that when you were with your affair partner ("AP") you were "on cloud 9", and that she made you "feel awesome". You also said that after she broke up with you that your "feeling for her are not any different". Thus when you say that "The worst part is I can't bring myself to tell my wife and move past this so I have to deal with the guilt on my own", I call bull. You are still hopping for the opportunity to resume the affair. If your AP wanted you back again, guilt would not stop you from happily jumping at the opportunity to cheat with her again. You are not telling your wife because if you wife knew about the affair, it would make it that much harder for you to resume the affair again if given the opportunity by your AP. The only reason that you are "miserable" is because you miss your AP not because of any guilt over cheating on your wife.
Thank you people for taking the time to hear me out and give me really good answers on this. I think it's clear that I have to do a better job of moving on and getting on with my life lol
found a winner
Dating sites in SA (note the SA part) are simply hives for those with absolutely no hope whatsoever and here most people are married off before 30 so the pool reduces yet further.
Excellent all around.
Good answer and I agree!
Of course women are offended by it! the honest women who dont cheat see no need for it.
i have the best husband in the world who allows me to have certain freedoms.we enjoy these freedoms together or singly.but never alon.
And as squeak clearly pointed out: you say your boyfriends' porn use has GONE DOWN A LOT...
Originally Posted by BCCA
i am an out going person that likes to make people laugh with a good sense of humo.
ask me for more photos. and photos of the lad.
This pic is great..But, it's not difficult to fix red-eye. Come on people, take pride in yourself.
Maybe this will be a lesson to you that drugs are BAD!!! To be honest with you I think that you should talk to her about it and see if you can get through this. But if you remember what happened that image and those noises will be burned into your mind for eternity or until you find someone else who you havn't seen have sex with your "friend". I couldn't even imagine how enraged I would be not only at her but at the "freind" too, if I saw what you saw. I have never had extacy so I don't know how well you can make conscious decisions while under the influence of it. But if you can remember what you saw and heard than things will never ever be the same again! Next time before you do something stupid like take extacy think about it for second or two, and think about what could happen. This could have all been avoided if you had not taken the drugs, and maybe you should stop joking around about having threesomes with your friends, and if your friend is willing to do that to you and your girlfriend than do yourself a favour and kick him in the nuts........ (do not actually kick him in the nuts because that is assault, although he does deserve it)
The lines of communication between her and I have been open, she's been counting down the days until she comes home, and saying she misses me lots and loves me lots. If my girlfriend had a guilty conscience I don't think she would be counting down the days until she could see me again.
You are a good person, unlike a lot of people now a day that think lying and deceit is ok in respect to infidelity. You are one in a million don’t forget this and forgive yourself as your bf has. So many have gone down the other path and have lost all.
so you cheated more or less, and are making him feel bad about being jealour riiiiight?
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