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Hi, layed out guy here, looking for someone special special to hang out have fun with. Message m.
Have some lovely fish to fry right now though keeping me nice and busy and lots of fun
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Basically, I think things are going pretty well, but the fact that things didn’t seem to ratchet up during date 3 relative to date 2 seemed a bit strange to me. There was definitely a bit more physical contact, but not much more (but she never shied away), and the kiss good-bye was essentially the same as date 2. Do you think she just likes to take things more slowly? Or perhaps I’m taking things too slowly, given her general responses to contact and the kiss on date 3? Should I attempt to be at least a bit more aggressive/assertive – perhaps try to drop in some intimacy with a few kisses earlier in the evening (the response to the kiss on date 3 makes me think she was looking for more earlier in the evening)? Did the questionable first date poison, or at least slow down, the progression of future dates? How long should I wait to chat with her again/go out with her again (not sure if there are typical rules) – or should I try to be in very frequent contact, even though that hasn’t really been the case so far? Any ideas about what to do on the next date to try to build things out at least a bit more?
Just wanted some thoughts and suggestions on how to handle, get through this.
One day, we were hugging and he almost fell on top of me. (We nearly got caught)
i am a 33 year old woman that knows what she wants in life and has my career in place. now i want a bestfriend and lover to share it wit.
"Je n’ai eu aucun problème pour reconnaitre Arina. Ses photos lui correspondent presque à 100%. Cette fille a un corps magnifique. Quand on admire son corps, on est obligé de reconnaitre que c’est vrai. Cette fille est saine et fraiche et c’est une vraie débutante. Il y a plein de choses qui ne trompent pas à ce sujet. Elle est très ouverte et très souriante. On ne la sent pas cramée ou désabusée, voire au bout du rouleau. C’est vraiment agréable d’être en sa compagnie; on la sent optimiste et pleine de joie de vivre avec une grosse envie de communiquer. Elle se débrouille moyen en français, mais on est arrivé à échanger sur des sujets simples. Arina a un vrai physique rare. Ses services sont totalement GFE et je ne pense pas qu’elle soit capable de produire un meeting PSE. L’avantage étant qu’elle n’est pas chrono, se livre complètement si elle est en confiance, ne triche pas, ne simule pas et elle a une attitude très fraiche et très ouverte. Bref j’y retournerais dès que je pourrai..."
She is Adorable and so sweet looking
Other than that. I am harmless. And spare you from reading tons of unnecessary info =.
Hi..I am easy going, fun loving compassionate guy. I am honest and loyal. I enjoy spending time with my children, and just getting the most out of life. I love to joke and laugh and just be.
well. U said she was a girl you like. but u're afraid that it's a little too much if you were to sing her a birthday song. are u planning to tell her u like her? or u just like her as a friend?
Since you are shy, I would suggest doing simple things. It would help if I knew your age, but here goes. For example - if you're in school (high school, college, grad) - you can say to a girl you're interested in "man I'm hungry. wanna grab a bite?" - this line can be interpreted many ways - the key is, if the girl is in to you, she'll say yes (even if she isn't, she may say yes too - that's what going to eat and talking will help you discover - ask to do something on another day, etc). You can try things like that a couple times (I wouldn't more than 3) on someone you're interested in. Can change it to coffee...whatever. But that's a very simple way to get the ball rolling that doesn't require a lot of nerves.
His messages to another girl have increased in the last few weeks. At this point they talk every other day or every day, he lets me do things on his phone and her name was coming up more than usual.
I'm a good person with integrity. I'm presently subsute teaching. I would like to make a new friend and then take it from there. If the chemistry is there, who knows what the future can brin.
updated pic of this hottie: #864982
oh yes wat age u like gottadothis ?