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Person A has 0 dates for the month.
Well I thought I could "handle it", but it's bothering me. When he told me, (because he was bringing a girl to an event he knew I'd attend) he had a date. I just got out of bed, got dressed and said I had a lot of homework to do. We hugged, he left. Have not spoken since (1 week). No big deal, ball is in my court I suppose.
Now you know she will totally cheat with the best friend of whoever she's dating, so you should in no way consider seeing her again because that's low.
Hi.I'm Tushar, basically I'm from India and I'm here in Beaumont,Texas to pursue my masters. I love poetry, books, walks on the beach and cozy candlelight dinners. I enjoy movies, television, music.
How often have you gone to a party, didn't drink anything but water and woke up in a strange guy's bed? Not remembering anything from the time you arrived until you woke up?
You cannot respect yourself and still be with him. He is not worth it....
. . . then it certainly is depressing.
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I second that.
Instead, why not just play the field in the same way? No need to get overly involved with each guy - just enough so you have a few irons in the fire at any one time and can move on easily.
"Bait and switch, those Chinese ladies think no one may recognize them as all of the smiliar features and faces. They provide completely different one, and brought another different as well, not recommend"
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I also think the male friend could be an issue, especially since the male friend was the "replacement."
i had times when i managed to meet them through craiglist and then in my city and when they met me they were soooooo disappointed because i wasn't a typical white guy or black guy who speaks fast.
dirtyuncle: months ago, I uploaded other pics of a girl that is on this site. they we pics that didn't show anything that is not allowed.it was long ago so i assume they were rejected. should i resubmit?
Hi.I am a single mother of 2 amazing boys. 17 & 6 years ol.
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My BF has sent me copies of the emails to show what was said, because he doesnt want me to worry. He is open about it, but I dont think he knows how much it hurts that they still communicate. I cant explain why, it just DOES. AND BAD. Perhaps it's because I was married/divorced before and I know the routes... I grew up in 'broken home' so I have some baggage with that obviously... But my mom thinks I should 'keep my options open' which frankly I like my 'option' the way it is... just not the old ex in the picture.
About the ex? It should only worry you if you want to worry about it. It's out of your control and worrying about things that are out of your control isn't healthy.
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I have tried to be understanding of our differences. I wouldn't have lasted this long otherwise. But it's worn me so thin. It's worn me out too. I find myself now thinking of life when I was single before her. To make matters worse, a woman I've known for a long time who's personality and mine OOZE sexual chemistry will often contact me because after all these years, despite who we're both with, we cannot stop thinking of eachother. We've talked before about being together, but are afraid to lose the weird thing we have right now if it doesn't work. On top of that.. she told me recently that she felt love for me, even though she is with another. It was a bit shocking, but also something I can't deny that I don't feel for her in some way too. I think about her often even though both her and I are with other people. I take this as not a good sign for my current relationship even though the woman I'm with has many qualities I do find to be good. Yet, I can't shake the feelings for this other woman. Even before I met the person I'm with now, this would happen in the past.