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Up entirely!Yay. If this one didn't get past the mods, I was gonna give up entirely! 15 dumps though? You guys are blind!
came on today, and the seems like ive hit the jackpot with the random suggestions.... a very good day
Chances are there is a beautiful girl you'll have twice as much fun as this girl with, just waiting for a guy like you to call her (not too many guys are this worried about whya girl doens't call back, most have already given up). Have yourself a great summer, and wait, maybe in another few days, she'll call and explain and ease your worries, or maybe ina bit a girl will be posting why YOU aren't calling her back....the irony of it all.
So, the problem is this: I know that he "really likes" me (I asked our mutual friend to find out the scoop..) And we've gone on about 5 "dates".. however, he refuses to label us as "dating.." I'm VERY confused. I know that he's interested in me, because he's initiated most of the outings we've gone on, but when we are actually out together, he won't make ANY physical contact whatsoever.. it drives me nuts. It's like he's waiting for me to make a move, except I'm not sure. is he? Like I said, he's incredibly shy and nervous.....also quite awkward. I'm too afraid to make a move, because I don't know if he wants me to.. it's very weird.
I didn't state that it was justified, I stated that it is going to happen anyway, because you cannot make someone do what YOU want. Do people still speed? Yes. You proved my point. Just because you say something shouldn't happen doesn't mean that it will not.
She seemed like the type of person who would need constant validation and would never be happy.
no kidding ...SPUNK....you think? I was just saying she really does look like that.. There are some people on here that always have too dig at other peoples comments. Like the old saying says if you don't have something nice to say..don't say it at all
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While a few of the guys are turned on by female sex symbols its the female groupies who go absoloutely beserk in absoloute droves over the male sex symbols.
Hello! I just moved here from Atlanta for a new job a week ago and don't know anyone in the area! Looking to meet locals and develops a friendship with no expectations. ;-.
relationship with my bf. Somehow he always managed to convince me to stay.
When it's done though, it's as if you've lifted a ton of weight off of you and you eventually piece together things with much more clarity.
Yes that's a good sign. I will wait and see what the true effect is of the added work on our relationship and play it by ear on bringing it up. Not sure if it's too soon. We have been dating for about 5 months, I haven't had the boyfriend/girlfriend conversation yet. Have wanted to lately but have had such a good time together I haven't wanted to ruin it by bringing it up so chickened out. Even though I am pretty sure I know the answer already. (I think he already feels we are, but I don't want to assume)