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Example. Having sex in a car with someone you hardly know, versus someone you have been seeing for some time and grown into a relationship and care for. Both of these acts can happen prior to marriage but one could be considered more moral than the other.
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There were a few days that went by that I didn't hear from him, which was a change from the normal everyday contact, even if it's just a phone call while he's out of town. I got worried, even though he's so usually attentive with flowers and cards and little gifts and lots of "I love you"s when we are together.
So now that I've come to this realization... I have to stop 'pestering' (as he put it) him, and give him some space, and fill my own life with more things and activity and spend more time seeing my own friends (which I tend to neglect whenever a guy comes into my life!!)
As long as he treats you well, will always choose you over other girl(s) when you both need him and you trust him..I actually wouldn't worry about how other girls behave around him.
Just a bi-curious girl looking for some NSA action, honestl.
At first she kinda acted like she didn't know what I was talking about so I got her phone and read the messages and then she started crying
You're very young still and have plenty of time to find out if this man is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Try not to allow what goes on around you -Other friends getting married...They found the love of their lives and that is why they probably got married.
My mother used to say..."If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen..." Wiser words have never been spoken!
I do fancy this girl...she's the kind of girl that everyone could fancy. She's pretty, tall with a perfect figure, blonde and also large chested. You get the picture. But she's intelligent and nice as well. Thing is though, being the way she is, she knows men will fancy her, and she may have got that impression from me...but I always only take it up to a certain point and then never make that final jump...partly cos I don't really know what to do next, and that's what the point of this post is.
I'm 79% sure that picture is from a citizen of Ontario. Street sign is in KM/H, round-about in the road, front license plate.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't help but wonder if your insecurity is really masking a wish to defeat her -- which would happen if he actively chose you over her. Since that can't happen, you're stuck wondering and worrying about what would happen if it did come down to a choice. In which case your anxiety is not grounded in anything your boyfriend has done, but in your own wish to prevail over your former friend.
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Originally Posted by myab23
love sweater-dresses, particularly this one!
Really cute.
I know what I want I just don't know how at the moment...I think maybe it's time to actually go see her..
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Waiiiiit a second, no quick conclusion.