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Is there anyone who real wants a relationship, or just telling me bs. that there interested, but there really feeding me bullshit. I am tired of the game.
1)she has also been on the site for few weeks. She supposedly did not meet anyone else beofore me, and expressed her dissatisfaction with guys on there being too forward and vulgar. However, she has been signing on ever since we met...she did mention once canceling it, but never did it.
TGSR: you stated twice that you "use to" ..live in the present buddy, not the past. And it's usually the hallway nerds that resort to calling people names on the internet. Just a suggestion: enjoy the site and get over yourself.
True, but usually people in committed and exclusive relationships don't share sleeping accomodation with OSFs and don't go on vacation one-on-one with them.
thank you again to everyone that helps:)
Long term pro. Granted, it's one of her older pics