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Regarding #1...that was pretty dumb on your part, OP.
Shame it isn't a little closer - she looks to have a great figure.
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I still can't believe the cheap schmuck took money from you......GEEZ!!!!
I'm not one to work out at a gym, but I like to stay active and reasonably fit- I'm not opposed to working out at a.
I love diving boards because they are so bouncy.
They are more high maintenance maybe because they believe they can get away with it. which they usually can.
Beyond all of that, and the issue at hand I think since you seem to be alright with it that he had a same-sex relationship in his past, his issues with self-esteem are pretty major. And yeah, its entirely possible that there isnt closure there for him with his ex, cause it seems like hes still living his life in a way as if hes trying to get that approval from him that he didnt get when they were together. My friends bf had a huge social anxiety problem, and that was a huge crutch in their relationship...I cant begin to imagine how to deal with that. On top of that the eating disorder... So much going on. Too much going on...
welcoming to people generally and also I want a good man with a good heart,one with good knowledge about love and who knows how a woman is been treated,age or color difference do not matter to me at.
im a std.