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So I confronted her, and she just denies denies denies. She is a victim of ****ty technology. Its not fair that her phone is saying she is somewhere she is not. No no no....I mean she is adament but I don't believe her. Trust me I want to believe her, I want it to be a false reading...but dammit I cannot go against what appears to be completely legit.
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Does anyone else agree that 9 times out of 10 the second picture is better than the HP?
now this is a secret club greeting i can really get behind. :)
Great find Jen!
Jen is a woman I grew up in HS with. Reconnected back on FB. She has a 5 yr old son. We both have lots of things in common and she communicates with me daily which I like. We talk about funny stuff and random things. I haven't exactly asked her out yet. But I feel she would accept. But idk if she would actually "date" me for real. I'll have to find out I guess.
She kinda understood at first that till next year in July and September, when I will have both of my exams, it will be one hell of a year for me, in being hard and stressful.
I am an independent, logical, down-to-earth girl who definitely likes to keep life light. I am very outgoing, love to laugh, and find humor every day in this thing we call life. I believe in honesty.
So we're both 21 at same school. Been talking/dating for almost 2 months now. Kissing, sex, cuddling, holding hands, kiss hello/goodbye, sleeping over, etc. So she has been busy and stressed w/ school work lately so these past two weeks haven't seen eachother a lot. We hung out this past Friday and I really messed up asking her myself to be exclusive. She seemed happy when I said it and said she already assumed we were. Well fast forward to next day..I get a text from her saying like "hey.. thought about what you said blah blah and im just not looking for a relationship right now and want to be on my own, but i really like you and love hanging out and spending time with you and want nothing to change!"..Right then I got kind of upset and just figured she had some dude on the side and was leading me on entire time and i'll just move on. Now, fast forward to last night..I get a FB message from one of her friends saying like "hey plz don't get wrong idea, she really likes you and was just weirded out by the asking her to be exclusive" Then asked me if I was seeing other chicks and said how she really likes me and to plz hangout with her friend and that shes just too busy for the committment I (me) deserve right now.
i am looking for someone who wants a seious relationship and to love foreve.
Gemma UK. No he didn't elaborate. He just said he died.
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geeesh the email conversation has been like pulling teeth.