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I think there is probably less "settling" going on than you might think.
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Wind? hehaha your funny. look at the far right of the picture. A little wind don't do that. It was a leaf blower.
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Just realize how lucky you are that it was only a ring! She's probably just emotional immature. It's hard to get players out of your head, in the long run you are so much better off, don't look back!
Maybe about a month before he is to come home, he tells me of this girl he's kind of getting involved with. I was really taken back and just really didn't expect that, especially with the way he had previously been interacting with me. It was a hard time for me, but I then backed off, out of respect for the relationship he had chosen with her. This girl didn't know of the feelings between us, but she was a very insecure girl. (She at first acted like she wanted to meet me because she knew I was a close important friend, but then he and I both later found out that was all a show. She became controlling and didn't want him talking to ANY girl. Ever. But she was off with other "guy friends". I felt so bad for him because of how stressed this girl constantly made him, and I just wanted to see him happy.)
Very loveky
You're going to see it however you want to, that's just the way we work.
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I brought the conversation up with A last night. I made dinner and he came over with wine. He seemed really looking forward to it all day. As usual, the conversation was fun and there's a very strong physical attraction as well as just a great connection. I feel like we are friends too, or building a friendship anyway.
Yes.. I agree. I understand..
As was the case with the immigration guy Gaeta, as I am sure you had NO idea that was the vibe/energy you were giving off.
Pics or it didn't happen