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My profile picture is pretty recent. I do look young for my ag.
She’s amazing.
Maybe you guys just seem really creepy and it has nothing to do with your looks. Ask some girls to help critique your emails or your profile.
David, you say that like it's a bad thing.
Had the fantastic pleasure of meeting her yesterday. She really redefines the word ""pamper"". She pays attention to the smallest details and ensures that every aspect of your stay is taken care of. It is no wonder she has great reviews, her personality is special and she puts you at ease from the very beginning. She is one of a kind.
And you're kidding yourself if you think a guy will still date around once he meets a girl he really likes. I
im gay and want **** inside m.
haha - that's not true. - well not in relationships anyways.
I find a man who is good at things highly attractive too, I don’t care if he’s rich or poor, but if he commands respect, if his peers seek his advice and approval, if he can paint, play guitar, write, do DIY, anything, doesn’t have to be creative.
I have been "dating" this guy for over a month and we have only seen each other three times. The first two dates were normal, saw each other once a week and had a pretty good connection. After that we didn't see each other for awhile (I mention this in my first post) but during this time apart he text me almost daily. Eventually (this is about a three week period) I get tired of the "how are you" game and tell him I don't think we should continue as we live an hour apart. After this text he calls me (finally) and says that no distance is not a problem and we both have been busy but he would still like to see me, so i say ok. We meet up last weekend and have a pretty good time and get somwhat initmate--I think I did this in the hopes of building intimacy (i normally don't do this kind of thing but i got carried away and it has been awhile).
As for an SO, only one bf in 8th grade who threatened it and made a big scene but didn't do it. Still very scary and I am glad he got to talk to counselors afterwards.
Hey everyone...I am really bad at telling if or when I am over reacting or not so I think I need a little advice on that right now. I have been with my boyfriend for a year now and our realtionship is great.....its just that I have a really really hard time trusting people because of a lot of reasons....anyway, I don't have any reason in the world not to trust my wonderful boyfriend, but its like I get caught up in this jealousy thing and I am suddenly this person that I really am not at all. Anyways, we love eachother so much and everything is great except for the fact that his ex has been calling him...I guess you could say they have weird relationship. I see this girl as my competition and she drives me crazy because of this...anyway, I was kinda looking on his cell phone and saw her name on there 3 in a row times under the dialed calls, and he denies ever calling her...is that weird? Another thing is that all of the calls were when I wasn't around, like either in class or at work or something. Its like he almost gets defensive about her, and that is really intimidating/weird to me. He hasn't always been completely straight with me about her in the past either, nothing big, just little things, like he has lied about talking to her before...I might sound like I am this psycho possesive girlfriend, which, I promise I am not, but I just really don't know what to think. Is it unfair to ask him so many questions about her and their current relationship? There are so many other things that I could get into about my boyfriend and his ex's realtionship, but I will save you the agony...One little FYI, I know he hasn't seen her in a really long time, at least as far as I know, anyways, I think you get the picture...I just don't know how to take all this...Please help me... Thanks
You're so spoiled, you need so much damn attention, it's crazy!
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Hi.my name is Amber and I'm 30 years old. I'm a nice, caring, loving, faithful and trustworthy girl. I'm looking for a girl to spend the rest of my life with. I know this is hard for some girls to.
But, different strokes for different folks...