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That is certainly up for debate, which is all that has been going on here. I have noticed that everything usually becomes an argument after a while on this board. Everyone's moral compass is very different and a person's reasons for choosing to do what they do vary.
With a little quote:
Just looking around. Wondering who has a sweettooth:.
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Of course, it's not surprising because he payed for everything and she didn't work. So I think he was under the impression she was old-fashioned.
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WOW!! Whole lotta generalizations you got going on in this post.
At least you found out sooner rather than later.
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When I got back to her place, she took my hand and led me to her bed. I didn't know whether she might still be a little drunk, and I was exhausted, so I just laid down next to her in bed and fell asleep. When I woke up, she was holding my hand and had her arm around me.
That's just totally unacceptable.
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Originally Posted by maysj18
Are you able to go to the earlier dance too?? I don't think it would bother ME if he had already planned on taking someone else, and I wouldn't be able to go anyway...
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