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He will say, well i want to see where things go and i enjoy hanging out with you. (its over a year now. in the beginning it was fun just being carefree but now i need more)
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That day she was in a very bad state, questioning her whole life basically. She asked me whether there are other things driving me away from her. I said it doesn't matter. All I want is this, the basics need to be fixed first. And I don't want to hear a single promise anymore unless if she knows she can fulfill it.
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I'm new here, but I promise that I will fill up this section, so you can have a better idea about m.
Originally Posted by trueblue72ny
I think his reaction to you "wandering off" was over the top. Instead of asking you where you were, he made an assumption and got angry. Is he normally that short-tempered with you?