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GOTALUVEM: see comment page #1084598 for your answer
He's got things he needs to sort out on his own, and you're probably best to not be involved in that. My advice is to suggest he gets in touch with you when he has tidied up his loose ends, and move on. This yo-yo behaviour will not do you any good. The anxiety you're feeling now? That's going to be common place if you don't draw a line.
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A little over a month ago I met someone online. We've gone out a few times, very compatible, shared some intimate secrets as well as been supportive when serious unexpected situations have come up. We have intense chemistry together. When I see him it is understood that I sleepover...I keep my toothbrush there. Everything seems to be going great between us. When we are together, we have an amazing time and I know I can easily, if I haven't already, fall for him.
Am I bringing paranoia from my old relationship into this or are these things that happened a worry?
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