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As for his behavior being ILLEGAL--that's a stretch as well. Nothing ILLEGAL happened and i'm quite surprised how quick some of you are to assert how he's partaking in ILLEGAL behavior especially since topics like this get monitored by the FBI when words such as child and pornography come up in the same sentence. All info passes through content monitoring systems, and here we are saying someone is involved in illegal behavior which was never the case! Are we going to police his mind now and say he's partaking in illegal behavior in his mind?
Simply WoW
LASTLY and most importantly, I would INSIST that both of you be tested for ALL STDs; including HPV and Herpes (blood test for the latter, and you have to specifically ask for this, the blood test for Herpes is not just part of a standard STD panel). If he was to have passed on an STD to you, if you're unaware then it could also be transmitted to your unborn child and cause serious health/developmental issues. I can't stress this enough. Even if you don't "think" they were physical or he denies that they were or you're pretty sure from the texts that they weren't --- you have to be 110% CERTAIN.
Originally Posted by leap83
Me too. Especially in that pose.
Trust me, I was a complete mess a year ago but I'm a lot more emotionally stable and content now. Timing can be so important.
Same #152913
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I didn't know how to feel about this, but we made love right after. What's confusing me a little is that I feel like she really liked that I told her and she wants me to say it again, but I feel weird saying it to someone who I know won't say it back. I can't imagine why she would WANT me to tell her despite her not ready to say she feels the same way....I would think the opposite in that she would NOT want me to say it again. I personally would feel awkward hearing "I love you" from someone that I couldn't say it back to. She asked me the next day while making out if I meant what I said the night before and I nodded, and she smiled. I realize this makes her very happy.
I love to program websites and play video games. Enjoying life is one of my main priorities. I can always make someone laugh and I always love to. I enjoy hanging out, not necessarily going out all.
Single UK male, looking for long term partner, been to VK and love it and the bulgarian peopl.
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it'd be better if we could see her ass, but nice nonetheless
Originally Posted by BrianaRN
I second that damn!!!
small chest :)
I’d like to hear thoughts; particularly, how people deal with this in their current relationships.
yes. I have a thing for Philippinewome.
World of difference between the two....Did you actually clarify with him if your initial assumption was correct?
Kevin, you guys are doing a STAND-UP job. To hell with the hype, this is the best JB site on the planet.
As a guy..I respectfully disagree.
I also try to be warm and engaged with everyone I meet, but that doesn't mean I actually want to be around them, it just means I'm nice to everyone if/when I have to be around them. I'm nice to children too, but that doesn't mean I want them around, or that I won't avoid them if possible... which is what I do with my bf's kids. Obviously I can't expect them go away completely, so I just limit my involvement with them as much as possible. Yes, I'm sure it would be more polite to spend time with them... but frankly children are a pain and I'm not going to waste my weekend parenting someone else's kids, particularly when they have two parents already and thus have no need of my company anyway. I'm nice to them when their company is unavoidable, and that's where I draw the line in terms of my involvement with them.